
Tailored strategies and hands-on execution for
eco-conscious CPG businesses

Sustainability Consultancy

The Botanical Beacon

Botanical offers comprehensive consultancy across sales and marketing. Think of us as your Outsourced CRO.

We're here to help sustainable businesses win against incumbents by winning in the broader market. Today, most consumers still don't prioritize sustainability.

We're here to elevate your sustainable mission and business by winning where its hardest - through systematic sales and marketing approaches.

Botanical For environmentally conscious CPG & Tech SMEs ready to scale.

Turn Key Packages

Eco-Starter Launchpad

Sustainable and eco-friendly CPG startups that have just secured their first round of funding


  • Market Entry Strategy: Insights into the eco-friendly CPG market landscape, competitor analysis, and consumer behavior insights.
  • Financial Forecasting: Initial revenue projections, cash flow analysis, and break-even analysis.
  • Branding & Positioning: Establishing a strong, eco-conscious brand identity.
  • Unified Sales Approach: Expert guidance on breaking into brick-and-mortar stores with merchandising asset development, retailer pitch strategies, coupled with establishing a user-friendly and sustainable e-commerce presence for direct-to-consumer sales.
  • Off-Shore Analysis: Evaluation of tasks that can be outsourced to fair wage global talent to maintain lean operations, especially in early-stage marketing efforts.

Green Growth Accelerator

Eco-friendly CPG businesses that have established their footing and are looking for aggressive growth.


  • Advanced Sales Channel Optimization: Evaluating existing sales channels, eliminating non-performers, and scaling successful ones.
  • Digital Marketing Mastery: Advanced strategies tailored for the eco-friendly market, leveraging content marketing, social media, influencer partnerships, etc.
  • Financial Health Check: Regular financial reviews to ensure fiscal responsibility during growth.
  • E-commerce Scaling: Techniques to boost online sales and improve digital conversion rates.
  • Global Talent Strategy: Identifying areas in the marketing efforts that can benefit from high-quality, fair-wage off-shore talent.

Scaling Powerhouse

Businesses that have just secured a significant funding round and need to scale rapidly and efficiently.


  • Expansion Strategy: Geographic expansion, introducing new product lines, or diversifying the existing ones.
  • Investor Relations & Reporting: Creating dashboards and regular reporting mechanisms to keep investors in the loop and satisfied.
  • In-store Expansion Blueprint: Strategies for scaling shelf presence in national and regional retailers.
  • Advanced E-commerce Tactics: Implementing growth hacks, upselling, and cross-selling in the digital marketplace.
  • Lean Marketing Model: Harnessing the skills of fair wage off-shore talent to expand marketing capabilities without bloating the team.

Pursuit to $25M Blueprint

Businesses that are closing in on the $25M revenue mark and need guidance to cross that threshold.


  • Retailer Relationship Management: Techniques for managing, nurturing, and expanding key account retailer partnerships for in-store dominance.
  • E-commerce Excellence: Advanced analytics, SEO, and conversion rate optimization to enhance online sales.
  • Advanced Market Penetration: Identifying untapped market segments or niches within the broader CPG space.
  • Customer Retention Mastery: Advanced strategies to boost loyalty and LTV (Lifetime Value) of each customer.
  • Off-shore Efficiency Drive: Analysis of potential cost-saving measures through leveraging global talent, especially in expansive marketing campaigns.

Our Operational Consulting Limitations: Here is what we don't do

  • Advise on manufacturing operations
  • Look books or brand guidelines
  • Produce creative for advertising campaigns
  • Low fives - we only do high-fives around here

À La Carte Services

Targeted. Tactical. Tangible

Whether it's optimizing e-commerce platforms, implementing the right tech stack, or crafting an Account-Based Marketing (ABM) strategy, Botanical brings expertise to the table. We recognize that sometimes you need sharp, focused interventions, and we're here to provide just that – ensuring every effort translates into palpable results.

Botanical For environmentally conscious CPG & Tech SMEs ready to scale.

When our teams come together, we orchestrate transformation that can outpace a rapidly evolving world. Our integrated consulting approach accelerates breakthrough ideas into meaningful impact. From defining your pricing to ensuring every marketing and sales effort aligns, we ensure your strategic base is strong, visionary, and executable.

Botanical For environmentally conscious CPG & Tech SMEs ready to scale.

In the modern business environment, an effective sales process can be the difference between growth and stagnation. Our focus is on optimizing every touchpoint of your sales journey. From developing the right sales funnel to ensuring your team is primed for success, we provide the tools, strategies, and training that drive results and revenue.

Botanical For environmentally conscious CPG & Tech SMEs ready to scale.

The power of a brand lies in its story and the channels through which it's told. Whether it’s through compelling trade marketing, intuitive digital campaigns, or harnessing the vast world of social media, our marketing strategies are tailored, dynamic, and audience-centric. We aim to resonate, engage, and convert, turning prospects into loyal customers.

Botanical For environmentally conscious CPG & Tech SMEs ready to scale.

Your business's backbone, its infrastructure, requires as much attention as any forward-facing function. With an array of tools and platforms at your disposal, our goal is to streamline and optimize. From CRM setups that empower your sales teams to analytics systems that provide actionable insights, we build the robust technical foundations your business needs to thrive.

Interested in seeing results? Drop us a note below.

Botanical For environmentally conscious CPG & Tech SMEs ready to scale.

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Botanical For environmentally conscious CPG & Tech SMEs ready to scale.